Data4Cure's Talk at Big Data in Precision Medicine Conference

Please join us at the Big Data in Precision Medicine Conference in Washington, DC, Oct. 31 – Nov. 1, 2017.
We will present new applications on our Biomedical Intelligence Cloud platform and discuss approaches which apply advanced machine learning and AI algorithms to continuously update biomedical knowledge.
Janusz Dutkowski, CEO of Data4Cure, Inc. will give a talk titled Combining data, systems biology and AI to continuously grow biomedical knowledge on Nov. 1, at 12:05 pm.
Dutkowski will be also speaking on a panel Organizing Medical and Genomic Knowledge for Precision Medicine on Oct. 31, 3:20 pm. Other panelists include Dr. Charles Cox, Head of Pharmacogenetics, GSK; Dr. Emanuel Petricoin, Co-Director, Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, George Mason University; Dr. Andrew Johnson, Head, Biomedical Informatics, Population Science Branch, NHLBI; and Dr. Anthony Kerlavage, Acting Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics and IT, NCI.
About Big Data in Precision Medicine
Big Data in Precision Medicine attracts senior executives from across the drug development sector including Big Pharma, biotech, leading solution providers, government, healthcare, and academia. This event bridges the gap between R&D and data science. It’s a collaborative, discussion-rich executive summit for the leaders and most active innovators enabling precision medicine.