Join us at the 2016 NGS Data Analysis and Biomarker Conferences

Join us at the 2016 NGS Data Analysis Conference and the Biomarker Conference co-organized in our home town and learn more about bioinformatics and NGS. Data4Cure’s CEO, Janusz Dutkowski, PhD will be presenting on Thursday February 18 at 10 am. His talk is titled “Translating data into knowledge, translating knowledge into cures“. Hope to see you there!
The world leading Next Generation Sequencing meeting, the NGS Data Analysis and Informatics Conference will be held on 18 – 19 February 2016 in San Diego, CA – USA. During the meeting we will be discussing strategies to accurately analyze and scale-up informatics for the data generated through the NGS technology while ensuring quality and scalability of the data.
Click here to learn more about the 2016 NGS Data Analysis Conference and the Biomarker Conference.